
0022: spring

Another full day actually the last two days have been incredibly full. Yesterday after work we went for a ride on the bikes. It was beautiful. With all the rain that trashed the roads and fucked up my surf life it also drenched the shit out of the ground here. but there's all kind of wild flowers popping up all over the place. Especially at the park. All colors it was pretty sweet. all kinds of psuedo wildlife. mostly birds and squirrels but hey, checking out some falcons and wierd colored birds is way cooler than seem some disguisting pigeons. Filthy creatures, goddamn rats with wings. I went
back today during lunch to snap a couple pictures of some of the more interesting flora. I dig the small ones the most but its a pain in the ass taking pictures of 'em cuz they're so damn tiny.

Today after work we hit the jetty. PWR said that LM was 2-4 and good but looking at the cam i could see quite a few closeouts. going to the jetty takes the thinking out of all that. you know for a fact there will be closeouts at the jetty. I took sweet prince out and he turned around bitch slapped me. Actually he did alright but the prince bieng only 6'1" is a bit of a pain for me and i need to get used to it. I got a few waves and actually catching them wasnt the problem but popping up is crazy. it gets a little unstable so i gotta be super fast. I got one bitchin ride tho. it made it worth it. One of those that when you go down you pump your goddamn fist. I caught the wave right on the shoulder and it was about waist high, i was riding up a bit to the top while turning right,the whole thing hadnt closed out yet but it was gettin funky at the top. So i was in a wier psuedo floater which would mush out so i leaned forward and got right back into it. not a sick drop but a good foot and half. of course the whole thing closed out but i had ridden the wave almost the whole way in. at least a 15 second ride. It was great.

Then: crab cocktail, crab cheese bread, fish and shark tacos, and of course beer.

jty 7.5@14sec:300deg+3.61ft

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